Author - Chris Sixty

Her Dreams Will Come True

I want all of her dreams to come true. I want her AGENDA to be fulfilled. I want her to have the exciting engagement, the BIG wedding, the nice house, 2.5 beautiful kids...

She’s Dating Someone Else?

If she’s dating another guy, but she still wants to message you – I would respond, but only with wacky stuff to amuse yourself. I wouldn’t be giving...

Getting Back On Schedule

You’re confused. You’re off track. You’re playing behind the sticks. It’s second down and 30. Here’s how to get back on schedule –...

She Can’t Be Everything

Women are enhancers. Meaning she can “enhance” all the different the areas of your life. She can make work more enjoyable, as you look forward to your date...

Never Stop Having Fun

She may be getting close to breaking up with you. But the final nail in the coffin is usually when it feels like the relationship has become more WORK than FUN for her...