Personal Coaching With Chris Sixty

Chris will quickly identify and solve your most difficult dating issue so you can attract your dream girl

Save Your Relationship!

If she's been pulling away or recently broken up with you, Chris will show you how to get her attraction back before it's too late!

Make Her Your Girlfriend

If she feels like "the one", Chris will give you the winning  game plan to make her fall in love and become your girlfriend

Second Chance at Love

 Whatever the situation, coaching with Chris will help you correct your past mistakes, so you can get a "second chance" at landing your dream girl

Get 30 Days of Personal Coaching With Chris Sixty

The Gold Package

Get 3 "Personal Coaching Sessions" with Chris Sixty (The Worlds #1 Dating and Relationship Coach)
Game Winning" Strategy: On our first  session we will go over your entire situation with her from the very beginning. Next, Chris will point out every mistake you're making and show you EXACTLY how to correct them immediately. By the end of our call, you will have a "game winning strategy" you can use to get her attraction back and make her fall in love
Followup Coaching Sessions: After each date/interaction we will have a coaching call to review what happened, correct any mistakes and adjust the game plan if necessary (this way you always stay on the path to success)
Gold Plan Includes 30 Days of 24-7 Emergency Access To Chris: Look, relationships don't take nights and weekends off. And getting a woman's attraction back is a delicate situation that requires a coach who's 100% dedicated to your case. So when you need an immediate answer to something that she said or did, don't worry, you're always covered
Professional "Text Message" Analysis: Your "texting strategy" plays a huge role in getting and keeping her attracted to you. Chris will analyze and critique your text messages to make sure that you're always communicating with her in the most attractive way possible
Package includes a Recording of all coaching sessions to help maximize your success

"I've checked out all of the other dating coaches and relationship gurus, but you are by far the best. Your ability to breakdown complex psychology into "bottom line" actionable ideas is unparalleled amongst your peers! Truly Chris, you've made a huge difference in my life, If I had $100,000 to give you, it wouldn't be enough for the advice you've given me"

Chris Sixty Provides "Life Changing Results" For His
Personal Clients All Around The World

Chris Provides "Life Changing Results" For His Personal Clients All Around The World

"She Came Back"

"I thought all hope had gone, but Chris's coaching helped me learn some amazing fundamentals about how to interact and re-engage with my ex. I put these things into practice and they're now paying dividends as she came back a few weeks ago"

- Suresh

"It's Already Working"

She called to ask me on a date tonight. The fact that a 27 year old girl (that lives on social media) called me instead of texting me was the first shocker. The second shocker was that she asked me if I wanted to grab a drink or dinner with her tonight. IT’S WORKING!

- Miles

"Dating  a Knockout"

I’ve dated a few "knockouts" this year due to my understanding of being a challenge and knowing my own high value. I now get to choose the girls I want and not the other way around. It wouldn’t have started without you Chris, so I thank you a lot!

- Brandon

"She Said YES!"

A few weeks ago I slammed the ball home and we’ve been going strong ever since. I couldn’t have done it without you Chris. Thank you for everything!

- RJ

"You Changed My Life"

Your coaching has changed my life. I was finally able to get enough experience that I settled down with the woman I love. Thank you Chris from the bottom of my heart!

- Gus

"We Are Back Together"

Alison and I had that talk. She broke down crying and said she’s been hiding her feelings for me. Long story short, we are back together. Thank you  Chris!

- Tyler

"She Kissed Me"

 I walked around to her side of the car to open the door for her and she got out and she kissed me right on the lips. And then she lightly dragged her hands across my shoulder and chest at the end of the kiss. She’s never done that before!

- David H.

"My Confidence is Back"

Chris was great at getting my confidence back (I had lost it from a previous relationship) If you're a guy who's been trying to have success with women, then I highly recommend that you read his book and schedule coaching. You won't regret it.

- Stewart

"Game Winning Strategy"

Chris performed an amazing job of making my dating and relationship dreams a reality! I gave Chris the situation and within our first meeting a game winning strategy was established.

- G.K.