Her Dreams Will Come True

I want all of her dreams to come true.

I want her AGENDA to be fulfilled.

I want her to have the exciting engagement, the BIG wedding, the nice house, 2.5 beautiful kids and a husband that loves her 100%.

However, as great as all of those things are –

I want the #1 ENJOYMENT she gets out of being in a relationship with you, to be “the CHALLENGE”.

The thrill of the chase.

The enjoyment of getting to win you over.

The fulfillment of working really hard for something, putting in the effort and actual getting it.

Because if you just put her on a pedestal and never say NO – and you’re available to see her and text 24-7 – the #1 thing she will like about you is that you can fulfill her agenda.

It will be a “control based” (#2 feeling) relationship versus a “chase based” (#1 feeling) relationship.

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Chris Sixty

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