She Can’t Be Everything

Women are enhancers.

Meaning she can “enhance” all the different the areas of your life.

She can make work more enjoyable, as you look forward to your date this weekend. She can make going to the gym feel easier. She can make time spent with your friends seem more fun, because you know there’s an awesome woman waiting for you at home.

And now all of the areas of your life feel like they’re “clicking”. You’re on a roll!

But although your woman can enhance everything, she can’t “BE EVERYTHING”

You can’t count on her alone to make you happy.

Not only does that put a lot of pressure on her, she also doesn’t want to be your everything.

Most guys start to neglect the other areas of their life, and try and make her the sole provider of their happiness.

They slack off at their job They stop working out. They never hangout with their buddies anymore. And they don’t even notice, because they’re all wrapped up in the “high” of hanging out with the girl they like.

Who needs that “other stuff”?

But eventually there’s a price to pay for making her your everything.

You’re career is stalling. You’ve gained 10 pounds. Your friends don’t even call you anymore. And to make it worse, she is losing attraction for you because you’re around too much And now you’re starting to get needy, which turns her off more.

Instead, let her enhance all the areas of your life and make them feel more enjoyable. But never give those things up.

Remember, she can’t make you happy all by herself. (and she doesn’t want to)

Chris Sixty

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