Never Stop Having Fun

She may be getting close to breaking up with you.

But the final nail in the coffin is usually when it feels like the relationship has become more WORK than FUN for her.

Once the fun is gone, she is gone.

That’s why it’s so important to leave all of the negatives and “stress” behind when you take her out on a date. You can’t start talking about all of the problems going on in your lives.

Dating is supposed to be the welcome break from all of that stress.

I always advise you to never talk about the relationship. Because when you bring LOGIC into something emotional like a relationship, you take all of the MAGIC out of it.

But that’s when the relationship is going good.

It’s 10x worse to start talking about the relationship when things are going BAD.

Talking about what happened, why it happened, who’s to blame, and how it all started.

Who cares!

Just fix the issue. Don’t have long depressing talks about it.

Because if you keep talking about it, the relationship will start to feel like more work than fun –

And she will be gone.

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Chris Sixty

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